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How to Create an Inventory List in Excel

An inventory is a bookkeeping document that provides a complete, detailed list of every product your company has in stock. This includes your raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished goods. The list of goods should contain the code of the goods, name, description, price, and quantity in stock. The inventory is important because it shows you exactly what you have available for sale or use, how efficiently your company handles inventory, and which items are not sold or not used. It is also important because it is necessary to file income tax. 

How to create an Inventory in Excel to fill

You can read more about examples or models for creating a census list in English in the article How to Create an Inventory List in Excel.

How to create a list of goods in excelHow to create a list of goods in excel

The purpose of creating an Inventory in Excel

In addition to regular annual inventories and determining the state of the warehouse, there is an increasing need to determine the state in order to level prices due to the exchange rate, increase the price of goods on the market, and overall inflation.

You can read more about this in our text Price leveling in Excel.

Download excel price leveling template file

You can download the initial version here.


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