History of adding formulas in Excel
Worksheet functions are categorized by their functionality. Click on a category to view its features. Or press Ctrl+F to find the function by typing the first few letters or the word that describes it. To get detailed information about a function, click on its name in the first column.
Excel 2007
SUMIFS | Returns the total of all numbers in a range of cells that meet multiple conditions. |
AVERAGEIF | Returns the average of all numbers in a range of cells that satisfy a condition. |
AVERAGEIFS | Returns the average of all numbers in a range of cells that meet multiple conditions. |
COUNTIFS | Returns the number of cells with a value that satisfies multiple conditions. |
IFERROR | Returns a value or if that value generates an error it returns a different value. |
CUBEKPIMEMBER | Returns the Key Performance Space (KPI) and displays the name of the KPI. |
CUBEMEMBER | Returns a member or tuple from the cube. |
CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY | Returns the value of the member’s property from the cube. |
CUBERANKEDMEMBER | Returns the NTH or ranked member in the set. |
CUBESET | Returns the calculated members returned from the cube. |
CUBESETCOUNT | Returns the number of items in the set. |
CUBEVALUE | Returns the aggregated value from the cube. |
Formulas added to Excel 2010
AGGREGATE | Returns an aggregate in a list or database. Replaces the subtotal |
BETA.DIST | Returns the cumulative probability density function of the beta probability. Replaces betadist |
BETA.INV | Returns the inverse of the beta probability density function. Replaces betainev |
BINOM.DIST | Returns the individual expression of the binomial probability distribution. It replaces the binomist |
BINOM.INV | Returns the smallest number that is the cumulative binomial distribution that is greater than the criterion value. Replaces Critbin |
CEILING.PRECISE | Rounds the number to the nearest whole number or to the nearest multiple. Regardless of the sign of the number, the number is rounded. |
CHISQ.DIST | Returns the cumulative probability density function of the beta probability. |
CHISQ.DIST.RT | Returns a single reproduction of the Chi-Squared probability distribution. Replaces Chidist |
CHISQ.INV | Returns a random variable where the probability is “less than” P . |
CHISQ.INV.RT | Returns the inverse of a reproduction of the probability distribution of the Chi-Cvaver. Replaces Chiinv |
CHISQ.TEST | Returns the probability value from the Chi-Square distribution. It replaces the worst |
CONFIDENCE.NORM | Returns the confidence interval for the population mean. It replaces self-confidence |
CONFIDENCE.T | Returns the confidence interval for the population mean, using the Student’s T distribution. |
COVARIANCE.P | The covariance of two lists of numbers is returned. Replaces the cook |
COVARIANCE.S | Returns the sample covariance, the average of the product of the deviations for each pair of data in the two data sets. |
ERF.PRECISE | Returns the error function. |
ERFC.PRECISE | Returns the complementary function ERF integrated between Ks and infinity. |
EXPON.DIST | Returns the exponential distribution. It replaces the exhibitor |
F.DIST | Returns the probability distribution of the probability. |
F.DIST.RT | Returns the probability distribution of the probability. It replaces counterfeit |
F.INV | Returns the inverse probability distribution of the probability. |
F.INV.RT | Returns the inverse probability distribution of the probability. Replaces FINV |
F.TEST | Returns the probability value from the distribution F. Replaces Ftest |
FLOOR.PRECISE | Rounds the number to the nearest whole number or to the nearest multiple. Regardless of the sign of the number, the number is rounded. |
GAMMA.DIST | Returns the gamma distribution. It replaces the vermin |
GAMMA.INV | Returns the inverse gamma distribution. Replaces gamainv |
GAMMALN.PRECISE | Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, g (k). |
HYPGEOM.DIST | Returns the hyper geometric distribution for the finite population. It replaces the Hipscudist |
ISO.CEILING | Rounds a number to the nearest whole number or to the nearest multiple of significance. |
LOGNORM.DIST | Returns the cumulative long-run distribution of Ks, where LN (k) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev. Replaces lognormdist |
LOGNORM.INV | Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative function Ks, where LN(Ks) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev. Replaces Loginv |
MODE.MULT | Returns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring or repeating values in a data array or range. |
MODE.SNGL | Returns the most frequently occurring number in the range. Replaces mode |
NEGBINOM.DIST | Returns the negative binomial distribution. Replaces negbinomdist |
NETWORKDAYS.INTL | Returns the number of full weekdays between two dates using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days. Replaces network days |
NORM.DIST | Returns the normal cumulative distribution. Replaces Normdist |
NORM.INV | Returns the inverse normal cumulative distribution. Replaces NORMINV |
NORM.S.DIST | Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution. Replaces NormSdist |
NORM.S.INV | Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. Replaces norminv |
PERCENTILE.EXC | Returns KTHentel values of values in the range, where K is in the range 0..1, exclusive. |
PERCENTILE.INC | KTHERENTILE VALUES In an array of numbers. Replaces percentiles |
PERCENTRANK.EXC | Returns the rank of the values in the data set as a percentage (0..1, exclusive) of the data set. |
PERCENTRANK.INC | Returns the rank of the values in the data set as a percentage of the data set. Replaces the percentile |
POISSON.DIST | Returns the poisson distribution. Replaces Poisson |
QUARTILE.EXC | Returns the quartile of a data set, based on percentages of values from 0..1, exclusively. |
QUARTILE.INC | Returns the quartile of the data set. Replaces quartiles |
RANK.AVG | Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers: size relative to other values in the list; If more than one value has the same rank, the average rank is returned. |
RANK.EQ | Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. Replaces rank |
STDEV.P | Returns the standard deviation based on the entire population. Replaces stdevp |
STDEV.S | Returns the standard deviation based on the sample. Replaces stdev |
T.DIST | Returns the percentage points (probability) for the student’s T-distribution. |
T.DIST.2T | Returns the two-way student T-distribution. Replaces tdist |
T.DIST.RT | Returns the right-solved Student’s t-distribution. Replaces tdist |
T.INV | Returns the T value of the Student’s T-distribution as a function of probability and degrees of freedom. |
T.INV.2T | Returns the T value of the Student’s T-distribution as a function of probability and degrees of freedom. Replaces Tinv |
T.TEST | Returns the probability value from the T distribution. Replaces ttest |
YES.P | Returns the variance based on the entire population. Replaces Warp |
WHOSE | Returns the variance based on the sample. Replaces var |
WEIBULL.DIST | Returns the Veibull distribution. Replaces veibull |
WORKDAY.INTL | Returns a serial number that is the given number of days before or after the date. It replaces the working day |
Z.TEST | Returns a probability value from a normal distribution. Replaces Ztest |
Formulas added to Excel 2013
ACOT | Returns the arc-cotangent of a number. |
ACOTH | Returns the hyperbolic ARC-Cotangent of a number. |
ARABIC | Returns a number converted from Roman to Arabic. |
BASE | Returns the number converted to text representation with the given base. |
BINOM.DIST.RANGE | Returns the probability of the outcome of the trial using the binomial distribution. |
BITAND | Returns a point and two numbers. |
BITLSHIFT | Returns the number of the shifted left bit number. |
BITOR | Returns a white number or two. |
BITRSHIFT | Returns the number of shifted fair number of bits. |
BITXOR | Returns a navivo exclusive score or two numbers. |
CEILING.MATH | Returns a number rounded to the nearest integer or to the nearest significant figure. |
COMBINA | Returns the number of combinations with repetitions for the specified number of items. |
COT | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number. |
COTH | Returns the cotangent angle. |
CSC | Returns the cosecant of the angles. |
CSCH | Returns the hyperbolic parent angle. |
DAYS | Returns the number of days between two dates. |
DECIMAL | Returns the decimal number of the textual representation of a number in the specified base. |
ENCODEURL | Returns a url encoded string. |
FILTERXML | Returns special data from XML content using KSPATH. |
FLOOR.MATH | Returns the number rounded to the nearest whole number in the given base to a decimal number. |
FORMULATEXT | Returns the formula from the specified cell. |
GAMMA | Returns the value of the gamma function. |
GAUSS | Returns 0.5 less than the standard normal cumulative distribution. |
IFNA | Returns a boolean value depending on whether the value is # n / a. |
IMCOSH | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number. |
IMCOT | Returns the cotangent of a complex number. |
IMCSC | Returns the cosecant of a complex number. |
IMCSCH | Returns the hyperbolic plane of a complex number. |
IMSEC | Returns a complex number of sessions. |
IMSECH | Returns the hyperbolic sleeper of a complex number. |
IMSINH | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number. |
IMTAN | Returns the tangent of a complex number. |
ISFORMULA | Returns a boolean value depending on whether the cell contains a formula. |
ISOWEEKNUM | Returns the ISO week number of the year for the date. |
FORTIFIES | Returns the unit matrix or the specified dimension. |
NUMBERVALUE | Returns text to number in local independent mode. |
PDURATION | Returns the number of periods required for an investment to reach a specified value. |
PERMUTATIONA | Returns the number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition). |
PHI | Returns the value of the density function for the standard normal distribution. |
RRI | Returns the equivalent interest rate for investment growth. |
SEC | Returns session angle. |
SECH | Returns the hyperbolic moon angle. |
SHEET | Returns the sheet number of the referenced sheet. |
SHEETS | Returns the number of sheets in the reference. |
SKEW.P | Returns the skewness of a population-based distribution. |
UNICHAR | Returns a copy of the Unicode reference of the passed numeric value. |
UNICODE | Returns the number corresponding to the first character of the text. |
WEBSERVICE | Returns data from VebErvice. |
XOR | Returns boolean exclusive or any number of arguments. |
Formulas added to Excel 2016
FORECAST.ETS | Returns a future value based on historical values. |
FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT | Returns the confidence interval for the future value. |
FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY | Returns the pattern length of a recurring seasonal pattern. |
FORECAST.ETS.STAT | Returns a statistical value for the future value. |
FORECAST.LINEAR | Returns a future value and a value based on existing values. |
Formulas added to Excel 2019
CONCAT | Returns a text string that is a concatenation of several strings. It replaces the contract |
IFS | Returns a value based on multiple conditions that you specify. |
MAXIFS | Returns the largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions. |
MINIFS | Returns the smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfy multiple conditions. |
SWITCH | Returns a value based on a list of matching items. |
TEXTJOIN | Returns a text string that is a concatenation of several strings. |
Formulas added to Excel 2021
FILTER | Returns an array of data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions. |
LET | Returns the result of a formula that can use variables. |
RANDARRAY | Returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1. |
SEQUENCE | Returns an array of sequential numbers. |
SORT | Returns an array of data in a range that is sorted. |
SORTBY | Returns an array of data in a range sorted by the values in the corresponding range. |
UNIQUE | Returns an array of unique values in a list, table, or cell range. |
XLOOKUP | Returns the value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column. |
XMATCH | Returns the position of a value in a list, table, or cell range. |
Formulas added to Excel 365
FIELDVALUE | (2020) Returns the field data from a Stocks or Geography linked data type. |
LAMBDA | (2020) Returns the results of a formula added as a named range. |
STOCKHISTORY | (2020) Returns the historical data about a financial instrument. |
ARRAYTOTEXT | (2021) Returns the contents of an array or cell range converted into text. |
BYCOL | (2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each column in an array. |
BYROW | (2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each row in an array. |
ISOMITTED | (2021) Returns the value True or False depending whether the value in a LAMBDA is missing. |
MAKEARRAY | (2021) Returns the array calculated by applying a LAMBDA function. |
MAP | (2021) Returns the array formed by applying a map using a LAMBDA function. |
REDUCE | (2021) Returns the total value after reducing an array by applying a LAMBDA function. |
SCAN | (2021) Returns the array after applying a LAMBDA function to each value and returns an array. |
VALUETOTEXT | (2021) Returns the text from any specified value. |
CHOOSECOLS | (2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of columns. |
CHOOSEROWS | (2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of rows. |
DROP | (2022) Returns the array without certain rows or columns. |
EXPAND | (2022) Returns the array expanded or padded to specific dimensions. |
HSTACK | (2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays horizontally in sequence. |
IMAGE | (2022) Returns the image from a web URL. |
TAKE | (2022) Returns the intersection of specific rows and columns in an array. |
TEXTAFTER | (2022) Returns the characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter. |
TEXTBEFORE | (2022) Returns the characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter. |
TEXTSPLIT | (2022) Returns the text string split into multiple columns using delimiters. |
TOCOL | (2022) Returns the array transformed into a single column. |
TOROW | (2022) Returns the array transformed into a single row. |
VSTACK | (2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays vertically in sequence. |
WRAPCOLS | (2022) Returns the array transformed into multiple columns. |
WRAPROWS | (2022) Returns array transformed into multiple rows. |
GROUPBY | (2023) Returns the grouping of your data along one axis and aggregates the associated values. |
PIVOTBY | (2023) Returns the grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values. |
PY | (2023) Returns the value or object after running code in a Python Editor. |