Kalkulacija prodajne cene robe u Excel-u

Calculation in essence of everything!

Calculation gives meaning to each of our activities. Some may disagree. Whether the calculation moved us to action or we want to improve the existing situation, the first thing we look at is the calculation. We can state that it is basically a calculation.

Calculation as a general term

Accountants, bookkeepers, managers, entrepreneurs, and “private individuals”, are the most frequent users of the content of these pages and by calculation, they primarily mean that the Calculation is an accounting document.

We often use a synonym for calculation in practice, and that is calculation (wrongly used word, as if we have a fight with our client), budget would be correct (if this word in Croatia means budget). If we talk about billing, we always mean invoices, although here, too, it is the basis of billing. You can view our Billing for the Housing Community here.

Calculation or Sales Price Re-reckoning  in Excel

If you are looking for how to make a Sales Price Calculation in Excel based on the prescribed KL form, then read it on the link Sales Price Calculation in ExcelThe calculation of the selling price is made when the goods first enter the warehouse based on the delivery note/delivery note of the supplier.

Inflation as a driver of price changes requires a document that can be used to increase or decrease the price of goods sold. The change in the selling price, which includes VAT, can be seen in a new article on our website Leveling the selling price of goods.

Things are completely simple here, the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are at the core of any spreadsheet. Just as we can convert more complex multiplication and division operations into addition and subtraction, so can all formulas in spreadsheet programs, and here I mean Microsoft® Excel, we can mathematically replace them with basic operations.

This is certainly not our goal here, but above all to make efficient use of existing formulas (more than 460) in Excel. According to the use of the formula, we can divide it into basic formulas and advanced formulas.

power pivot

How to create Pivot Table

Derived (Pivot) tables allow summarizing, counting, or aggregating data 1  from the initial/analytical table. We often hear or say “pivoting” or

History of adding Functions into Excel

History of adding formulas in Excel Worksheet functions are categorized by their functionality. Click on a category to view its features. Or


Koje poslove ljudi rade u excelu?

Zvuči kao floskula kada me polaznici radionice pitaju koje poslove mogu obaviti u excelu, a kada im odgovorim sve ili

Excel online obuka

Excel online training

Excel online training is intended for everyone who wants to improve their computer skills. Today, every company needs a person

Kako uporediti dve tabele u Excelu

How to compare two tables in Excel

Sorry, this entry is only available in Srpski.

(Srpski) Kako sprovesti procenu rizika u Excelu

Sorry, this entry is only available in Srpski.

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