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Category: WEB admin
How to fix EasyPHP issues when installing
Repair EasyPHP problem is not so simple, when you reinstall fresh copy, you does not remove problem, even you “copied”
Software portability
Portability Software is the ability of software migration from one computer to another without reinstalling. In the absence of a
Protect Your Website Against Hackers
Protecting the site from hackers is an essential need of every site administrator. What are the measures of protection will
Site Backup
Each site on WordPress consists of two parts: Files stored in the “home directory” site (installed during the basic installation
Site Migration
Site Migration is the process of moving from one site to another web site with the modification of the key
Linked Picture
Image as a link in the sidebar can be added in several ways, there are over a thousand extras that
The Dashboard (wp-admin) is the first screen you see when you log into the administration area of your blog. The
Users Roles
Roles allow users of the site to include the citizens in the operation and maintenance of facilities. The users you
Create Menu
Creating a menu belongs to a group activity that is very important for a good site. Menus allow you to