Site optimization for search engines (eng. Search Engine Optimization) or SEO is the process of increasing the number of visitors and Internet traffic to your site through the search results In the global search engines.
Global browsers are certainly in our best-known,,, etc.
Almost no user who requested address is entered into a search engine instead of the line at the following link as graphical images.

You can easily “embarrass” what Google “knows” your / our website.
Why is Site engine optimization for search Important?
Optimizing for Google is the most efficient marketing, you should never forget. If the site is ranked higher (eg. The examination comes among the first on the list), the more visitors it will receive from the search for him. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and more
How to install the Yoast SEO for WordPress site?
hat if Google robots come to record the contents of your website, there are not enough of coding or listen to programming longer than is necessary to add one to WordPress do its job. Optimization for search engines is carried out in two “fighting” Fields:
The invisible part of the site – in the strict codes of any Web site is made
In the visible (readable) part of the site – the part that is visible to visitors’m not just search machines.
Both fields covered supplement entitled WordPress SEO to Ioast. If I can not I re-explained the theory that we have already crossed the first part of this article, I’ll move to the specific Instructions for setting the allowance for WordPress SEO U-u. Instruction will be displayed in increments, pictures and explanations. It is intended for beginners, or those who need older reminder basic and necessary details. You’ll see that I have identified the parts that I skipped. The reason for this is because many of the Default Settings quite dodovljna i’m starting to maybe even better not prepodešavati what is good Posted.
For Step 1.
Install the add-UP Powered by yoast
Otvorite vašu kontrolnu WordPress kontrolnu tablu. U delu Dodaci, kliknite na opciju Dodaj novi.VP-seo-by-ioast-User-image-2Open your WordPress dashboard control. In Part Options, click Add new.
A page to search for and install new add-ons.
In the search box, as shown below, you need to enter the name of the add you want to find, and then I install it. Since I seek is the one title you would type:
WordPress SEO by Yoast
Immediately after the solutions time you will get results. If you typed Exactly as I wrote a targeted supplement is on the first position (picture, below).
To install the plug-in and click Set Now.
The plugin will automatically be installed after a short time. About the impact of installations will be notified through a simple form that you can see in the picture below:
Step 2.
Activate the plugin from Settings
VP-seo-by-ioast-User-image-6DA BI add-on that we install the radio is necessary to include it. The control panel WordPress-a Go to the accessories, then select Preset Options.
Otvoriće se stranica sa svim instaliranim dodacima. Među njima se nalazi i onaj koji smo maločas instalirali. Odmah ispod njega nalazi se opcija za uključivanje. Klikom na Uključi omogućićete njegov rad.
page with all installed add-ons. Among them is one that we have just installed. Just below it there is an option to turn on. Clicking the Enable will enable his work.
Setting himself settings SEO optimization
VP-seo-by-ioast-User-image itself WordPress control tables that you see, got a new attitude called SEO. If you move the mouse over it will open the card with options (picture left).
All of these options are there to help you without much effort and with great organization optimize your site. Each of them contains a pre-planned’m transparent decorated setting.
And it is that you allow search engines recognize and successfully incorporate into their future time.
For Step 1.
Let’s start in order, starting from Ioast WordPress SEO: General settings page you have opened by clicking Control Panel. At this station there are the following items:
Introduction Overview: You can not start the Quick Tour that will show you how to use this connector.
Default Settings: This button allows you to use when you want to reset all settings Appendix I RETURN to the pips. Beware of how to deal with it!
This option you can use if desired. It serves to developers who are working to develop this plugin better understand SEO problems that you encounter. All your data is safe, but if you do not want anyone to follow your statistics, you can turn it off.
If this option is disabled it means that your authors and editors can make redirections posts or off indexing. Whether to turn on or off depends on how much you trust your authors.
Webmaster tools:
Finally tangible tune! Here you enter the codes for different verbmaster verification tools such as:
Google Webmaster Tools
Bing Webmaster Tools
Alexa Verification ID
Yandex Webmaster Tools
Each of these items are provided in the box for entering codes and identification. Each item is also a link that leads to a certain Webmaster tools. For each link you have the settings and explanations of how to do the verification and get the code that you enter in the field provided.
If you have already verified your site to another offered a way that you can find on the websites of the Webmaster tools free to skip this section and click Save Changes.
Titles & Metas
When you obavaili everything you had in the dashboard (and saved), click the Titles & Metas. Here there are five tabs, as follows:
Card 1. Titles & Metas → General
Title settings- WordPress normally automatically detects when it is best to correct the curved violent titles (subtitles), but if you know what you are doing you can include permanent correction of subtitles. Prepočio would you leave off.
Title, select the separator symbol that will appear between the title of the article / site and the site name. Here’s what’s on offer:
Sledeće opcije koje vidite u kartici General kao što su Sitewide meta
settings i Clean up the head po defaultu su isključene. Nećete pogrešiti ako ih tako ostavite.
Card 2. Titles & Metas → Home
Here you can configure the template for the cover page and its meta data.
Title template: This is a template that can be seen in the title bar of your internet browser. By default the name of the site (sitename), pages (page), separator (sep), site description (sitedesc). If you do not have anything against you, and leave it at that.
Meta description template: Do not mix this description with a brief description of the site (sitedesc), which is in Title template and the site under the main title. This description appears in Google and other searches and describe your site, its purpose and objective.
Meta keywords template: These are the keywords of your site. Be sure to ask things you already have on the site. Do not use words that you do not have real support in the text or the content because you can get a fine from Google. Many say they are outdated or keywords that Google does not rely more on this template, because certainly I searched the site and form keywords. Of course, if you choose wisely you will not go wrong whether you are searching for something or leave this field blank. See the example in the picture below looks template Title and Meta description template in Google search:
When you fill out all the fields, save the settings by clicking Save Changes.
Card 3. Titles & Metas → Post Types
All fields can begin to leave unmarked. You will not go wrong with the Default settings WordPress.
Card 4. Titles & Metas → Taxonimies
Here you can also leave the fate of the Default settings.
Card 5. Titles & Metas → Other
Leave the Default settings, but do not forget to follow trends over time SEO trends and slowly explore all of these settings. Currently skip them because some WordPress settings have already been sufficiently adapted to the web and search engines.
Step 3.
This part should not be too much to explain. Simply fill in the card data relating to the duties of social networks Facebook, Twitter and Google+. These data must be if you are an administrator of these accounts. In all cases, check the box Add Open Graph meta data.
Step 4.
XML Sitemaps
This is what we have already discussed in the first part of this text. To enable this option just check the box provided. And if you click XML Sitemap, you’ll be taken directly to the location of your Sitemap.
User Sitemap
Here Sitemap manage options for users. You will not go wrong if you check the Disable all users with zero posts. In addition, you can completely disable Sitemap Creator or individual roles of your team members.
General Settings
Want to try pinging Yahoo and because you will not go wrong.
Exclude post types
From a Sitemap you can omit a particular subject, but do not do it with articles or pages, since they contain the most important details necessary for a healthy SEO. However, you can omit the attachment.
Exclude taxonimies
You will not go wrong if you leave the Default settings that look like this:
Entries per page
Enter the maximum number of entries per page, Sitemap. Implicit stand 1000 up to you and leave.
To save all the settings, click Save Changes.
This part of the setup for someone who is a beginner does not provide something that should be taken care of. I recommend you to leave here the Default settings or in the control panel WordPress-a look in the submenu Settings → option SDSL (Permalinks). WordPress has a SEO bad the Default setting for the appearance of links, and you can easily modify it. To make it more clearly see the appearance of the two links that I have outlined below and evaluate yourself which you prefer:
It is not difficult to understand which of these two links will be pre pretražičkim like machines. WordPress, unfortunately, used for the first instance by default. So if you go to a place I have already mentioned, in the Control Panel Settings → SDSL (this is not the add-in settings that have installed! Already part of WordPress) can modify the following:
Here you have a few choices where each better than the first. If you find it easier, I’ll tell you that I am using this very marked in the picture → Title of the article.
Parts of WordPress SEO by Yoast we will skip for now
Settings such as:
- Internal Links
- Import & Export – option to export or import the settings you make with other similar supplements.
- Bulk Editor – Quick Editor SEO items that we will need if properly optimize each article.
- Edit files – Editing robots.txt and .htaccess files.
will leave for “later.” Details of this nature are on the WordPress platform worked well enough and it is recommended to be changed only if you know what you’re doing. Another reason for this is that you do not need to overdo it in the settings, because you can easily neglect what is important – the word itself, the text content. There are even of the opinion that Google likes less well placed sites. Even if you have good intentions with exaggeration in the optimization, you can easily get to a condition called Black Hat SEO, and you do not even know. And it’s not as good as I mentioned in the first part of the text.
WordPress SEO by Yoast – Edit text and pages
If you have already written articles and pages on your site you understand how it looks in WordPress. In the main menu, you go to a new article Articles → Add New, a new page to go Pages → Add new:
In both cases opens a text editor, which for the past few years has undergone a lot of changes although I did interface. Here’s how it looks:
You have a part for you to enter the address. You can customize the appearance of the connection – the link. There are also tools for text editing. What you may not have noticed is that under the main editorial work in which you write your own articles, and is now part of content optimization. Specifically, this part of the installation is that the addition of whom we have spoken above in the manual. Here’s how it looks:
In this part of the optimization of content you have finished the form that you fill out for each article or page. I’m sure now it works hard and you think that’s a waste of time, but you’re wrong.
- General
- Page Analysis
- Advanced
- Social
All four are helping us to better prepare the text before you publish it and adapt it to the requirements that require browsers. Here’s how.
So, as I said, you’ve already written text and optimize launch from that point. In the first tab, called General, we have the following “helpers”:
Snippet Preview – Displays the article as it will be seen in a Google search. This section serves only to check what you write, and there has not directly modify.
Focus Keyword – Keyword our text. Enter a word (or slogan) that describes your text. Keyword must be contained in all other fields you see below.
SEO Title – The section is automatically withdrawn from the address specified by you. It must contain the keyword (Keyword Focus)
Meta Description – description of the article that will appear in Google search. It must also contain the keyword (Keyword Focus)
Meta Keywords – general keyword text. More words to emphasize what the topic of the text.
Make sure that your keyword is found in:
- Article Heading (in the headline)
- Page Title (the title page, it will be revoked automatically if you have it in the headline)
- Page URL (the URL of the cells or article)
- Content (in the content of the article)
- Meta description (in meta description
If not found, you will receive a notice that indicates an error. Otherwise, there is a simple one. If you write about a result on the Internet, it will definitely have the title text, and this means that you will automatically have the same words and in the URL of the page. The same words and mention in the text, and add in the same field in the Meta description SEO Editor and General card you Avis. Here’s how it looks well set the first card:
Note the green notices that say how many times a keyword has in these respects, if not contained, it will stand the red notice until you correct the error. Here’s the bad examples set of optimization:
Page Analysis
In this tab, you can see all the information concerning the steps that you have taken in the General tab. In addition to writing and advice to assist you with updates. Remember, green is good, red is not. There are nuances between green and red.
More on this topic can be read on the blog prof. Istoka Pavlovića.