History of adding Functions into Excel

History of adding formulas in Excel

Worksheet functions are categorized by their functionality. Click on a category to view its features. Or press Ctrl+F to find the function by typing the first few letters or the word that describes it. To get detailed information about a function, click on its name in the first column.

Excel 2007

SUMIFS Returns the total of all numbers in a range of cells that meet multiple conditions.
AVERAGEIF Returns the average of all numbers in a range of cells that satisfy a condition.
AVERAGEIFS Returns the average of all numbers in a range of cells that meet multiple conditions.
COUNTIFS Returns the number of cells with a value that satisfies multiple conditions.
IFERROR Returns a value or if that value generates an error it returns a different value.
CUBEKPIMEMBER Returns the Key Performance Space (KPI) and displays the name of the KPI.
CUBEMEMBER Returns a member or tuple from the cube.
CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY Returns the value of the member’s property from the cube.
CUBERANKEDMEMBER Returns the NTH or ranked member in the set.
CUBESET Returns the calculated members returned from the cube.
CUBESETCOUNT Returns the number of items in the set.
CUBEVALUE Returns the aggregated value from the cube.

Formulas added to Excel 2010

AGGREGATE Returns an aggregate in a list or database. Replaces the subtotal
BETA.DIST Returns the cumulative probability density function of the beta probability. Replaces betadist
BETA.INV Returns the inverse of the beta probability density function. Replaces betainev
BINOM.DIST Returns the individual expression of the binomial probability distribution. It replaces the binomist
BINOM.INV Returns the smallest number that is the cumulative binomial distribution that is greater than the criterion value. Replaces Critbin
CEILING.PRECISE Rounds the number to the nearest whole number or to the nearest multiple. Regardless of the sign of the number, the number is rounded.
CHISQ.DIST Returns the cumulative probability density function of the beta probability.
CHISQ.DIST.RT Returns a single reproduction of the Chi-Squared probability distribution. Replaces Chidist
CHISQ.INV Returns a random variable where the probability is “less than” P .
CHISQ.INV.RT Returns the inverse of a reproduction of the probability distribution of the Chi-Cvaver. Replaces Chiinv
CHISQ.TEST Returns the probability value from the Chi-Square distribution. It replaces the worst
CONFIDENCE.NORM Returns the confidence interval for the population mean. It replaces self-confidence
CONFIDENCE.T Returns the confidence interval for the population mean, using the Student’s T distribution.
COVARIANCE.P The covariance of two lists of numbers is returned. Replaces the cook
COVARIANCE.S Returns the sample covariance, the average of the product of the deviations for each pair of data in the two data sets.
ERF.PRECISE Returns the error function.
ERFC.PRECISE Returns the complementary function ERF integrated between Ks and infinity.
EXPON.DIST Returns the exponential distribution. It replaces the exhibitor
F.DIST Returns the probability distribution of the probability.
F.DIST.RT Returns the probability distribution of the probability. It replaces counterfeit
F.INV Returns the inverse probability distribution of the probability.
F.INV.RT Returns the inverse probability distribution of the probability. Replaces FINV
F.TEST Returns the probability value from the distribution F. Replaces Ftest
FLOOR.PRECISE Rounds the number to the nearest whole number or to the nearest multiple. Regardless of the sign of the number, the number is rounded.
GAMMA.DIST Returns the gamma distribution. It replaces the vermin
GAMMA.INV Returns the inverse gamma distribution. Replaces gamainv
GAMMALN.PRECISE Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, g (k).
HYPGEOM.DIST Returns the hyper geometric distribution for the finite population. It replaces the Hipscudist
ISO.CEILING Rounds a number to the nearest whole number or to the nearest multiple of significance.
LOGNORM.DIST Returns the cumulative long-run distribution of Ks, where LN (k) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev. Replaces lognormdist
LOGNORM.INV Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative function Ks, where LN(Ks) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev. Replaces Loginv
MODE.MULT Returns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring or repeating values ​​in a data array or range.
MODE.SNGL Returns the most frequently occurring number in the range. Replaces mode
NEGBINOM.DIST Returns the negative binomial distribution. Replaces negbinomdist
NETWORKDAYS.INTL Returns the number of full weekdays between two dates using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days. Replaces network days
NORM.DIST Returns the normal cumulative distribution. Replaces Normdist
NORM.INV Returns the inverse normal cumulative distribution. Replaces NORMINV
NORM.S.DIST Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution. Replaces NormSdist
NORM.S.INV Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. Replaces norminv
PERCENTILE.EXC Returns KTHentel values ​​of values ​​in the range, where K is in the range 0..1, exclusive.
PERCENTILE.INC KTHERENTILE VALUES In an array of numbers. Replaces percentiles
PERCENTRANK.EXC Returns the rank of the values ​​in the data set as a percentage (0..1, exclusive) of the data set.
PERCENTRANK.INC Returns the rank of the values ​​in the data set as a percentage of the data set. Replaces the percentile
POISSON.DIST Returns the poisson distribution. Replaces Poisson
QUARTILE.EXC Returns the quartile of a data set, based on percentages of values ​​from 0..1, exclusively.
QUARTILE.INC Returns the quartile of the data set. Replaces quartiles
RANK.AVG Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers: size relative to other values ​​in the list; If more than one value has the same rank, the average rank is returned.
RANK.EQ Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. Replaces rank
STDEV.P Returns the standard deviation based on the entire population. Replaces stdevp
STDEV.S Returns the standard deviation based on the sample. Replaces stdev
T.DIST Returns the percentage points (probability) for the student’s T-distribution.
T.DIST.2T Returns the two-way student T-distribution. Replaces tdist
T.DIST.RT Returns the right-solved Student’s t-distribution. Replaces tdist
T.INV Returns the T value of the Student’s T-distribution as a function of probability and degrees of freedom.
T.INV.2T Returns the T value of the Student’s T-distribution as a function of probability and degrees of freedom. Replaces Tinv
T.TEST Returns the probability value from the T distribution. Replaces ttest
YES.P Returns the variance based on the entire population. Replaces Warp
WHOSE Returns the variance based on the sample. Replaces var
WEIBULL.DIST Returns the Veibull distribution. Replaces veibull
WORKDAY.INTL Returns a serial number that is the given number of days before or after the date. It replaces the working day
Z.TEST Returns a probability value from a normal distribution. Replaces Ztest

Formulas added to Excel 2013

ACOT Returns the arc-cotangent of a number.
ACOTH Returns the hyperbolic ARC-Cotangent of a number.
ARABIC Returns a number converted from Roman to Arabic.
BASE Returns the number converted to text representation with the given base.
BINOM.DIST.RANGE Returns the probability of the outcome of the trial using the binomial distribution.
BITAND Returns a point and two numbers.
BITLSHIFT Returns the number of the shifted left bit number.
BITOR Returns a white number or two.
BITRSHIFT Returns the number of shifted fair number of bits.
BITXOR Returns a navivo exclusive score or two numbers.
CEILING.MATH Returns a number rounded to the nearest integer or to the nearest significant figure.
COMBINA Returns the number of combinations with repetitions for the specified number of items.
COT Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
COTH Returns the cotangent angle.
CSC Returns the cosecant of the angles.
CSCH Returns the hyperbolic parent angle.
DAYS Returns the number of days between two dates.
DECIMAL Returns the decimal number of the textual representation of a number in the specified base.
ENCODEURL Returns a url encoded string.
FILTERXML Returns special data from XML content using KSPATH.
FLOOR.MATH Returns the number rounded to the nearest whole number in the given base to a decimal number.
FORMULATEXT Returns the formula from the specified cell.
GAMMA Returns the value of the gamma function.
GAUSS Returns 0.5 less than the standard normal cumulative distribution.
IFNA Returns a boolean value depending on whether the value is # n / a.
IMCOSH Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
IMCOT Returns the cotangent of a complex number.
IMCSC Returns the cosecant of a complex number.
IMCSCH Returns the hyperbolic plane of a complex number.
IMSEC Returns a complex number of sessions.
IMSECH Returns the hyperbolic sleeper of a complex number.
IMSINH Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
IMTAN Returns the tangent of a complex number.
ISFORMULA Returns a boolean value depending on whether the cell contains a formula.
ISOWEEKNUM Returns the ISO week number of the year for the date.
FORTIFIES Returns the unit matrix or the specified dimension.
NUMBERVALUE Returns text to number in local independent mode.
PDURATION Returns the number of periods required for an investment to reach a specified value.
PERMUTATIONA Returns the number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition).
PHI Returns the value of the density function for the standard normal distribution.
RRI Returns the equivalent interest rate for investment growth.
SEC Returns session angle.
SECH Returns the hyperbolic moon angle.
SHEET Returns the sheet number of the referenced sheet.
SHEETS Returns the number of sheets in the reference.
SKEW.P Returns the skewness of a population-based distribution.
UNICHAR Returns a copy of the Unicode reference of the passed numeric value.
UNICODE Returns the number corresponding to the first character of the text.
WEBSERVICE Returns data from VebErvice.
XOR Returns boolean exclusive or any number of arguments.

Formulas added to Excel 2016

FORECAST.ETS Returns a future value based on historical values.
FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT Returns the confidence interval for the future value.
FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY Returns the pattern length of a recurring seasonal pattern.
FORECAST.ETS.STAT Returns a statistical value for the future value.
FORECAST.LINEAR Returns a future value and a value based on existing values.

Formulas added to Excel 2019

CONCAT Returns a text string that is a concatenation of several strings. It replaces the contract
IFS Returns a value based on multiple conditions that you specify.
MAXIFS Returns the largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
MINIFS Returns the smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfy multiple conditions.
SWITCH Returns a value based on a list of matching items.
TEXTJOIN Returns a text string that is a concatenation of several strings.

Formulas added to Excel 2021

FILTER Returns an array of data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
LET Returns the result of a formula that can use variables.
RANDARRAY Returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
SEQUENCE Returns an array of sequential numbers.
SORT Returns an array of data in a range that is sorted.
SORTBY Returns an array of data in a range sorted by the values ​​in the corresponding range.
UNIQUE Returns an array of unique values ​​in a list, table, or cell range.
XLOOKUP Returns the value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
XMATCH Returns the position of a value in a list, table, or cell range.

Formulas added to Excel 365

FIELDVALUE (2020) Returns the field data from a Stocks or Geography linked data type.
LAMBDA (2020) Returns the results of a formula added as a named range.
STOCKHISTORY (2020) Returns the historical data about a financial instrument.
ARRAYTOTEXT (2021) Returns the contents of an array or cell range converted into text.
BYCOL (2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each column in an array.
BYROW (2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each row in an array.
ISOMITTED (2021) Returns the value True or False depending whether the value in a LAMBDA is missing.
MAKEARRAY (2021) Returns the array calculated by applying a LAMBDA function.
MAP (2021) Returns the array formed by applying a map using a LAMBDA function.
REDUCE (2021) Returns the total value after reducing an array by applying a LAMBDA function.
SCAN (2021) Returns the array after applying a LAMBDA function to each value and returns an array.
VALUETOTEXT (2021) Returns the text from any specified value.
CHOOSECOLS (2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of columns.
CHOOSEROWS (2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of rows.
DROP (2022) Returns the array without certain rows or columns.
EXPAND (2022) Returns the array expanded or padded to specific dimensions.
HSTACK (2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays horizontally in sequence.
IMAGE (2022) Returns the image from a web URL.
TAKE (2022) Returns the intersection of specific rows and columns in an array.
TEXTAFTER (2022) Returns the characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
TEXTBEFORE (2022) Returns the characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.
TEXTSPLIT (2022) Returns the text string split into multiple columns using delimiters.
TOCOL (2022) Returns the array transformed into a single column.
TOROW (2022) Returns the array transformed into a single row.
VSTACK (2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays vertically in sequence.
WRAPCOLS (2022) Returns the array transformed into multiple columns.
WRAPROWS (2022) Returns array transformed into multiple rows.
GROUPBY (2023) Returns the grouping of your data along one axis and aggregates the associated values.
PIVOTBY (2023) Returns the grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values.
PY (2023) Returns the value or object after running code in a Python Editor.


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